Commercial Services
Our services are offered to small and large-scale businesses who want quality service and sound professional advice whether they are acquiring, disposing of, or remodelling premises.
These include the following:
Pre Acquisition Surveys, Dilapidations, Building Defect Analysis, Property Maintenance Advice, Development Monitoring, Planning And Fire Safety Certificate Applications, Pre Development Condition Surveys, Reinstatement Valuations, Project Management
Project Management
Whether remodelling premises, fitting out or new build, we offer Project Management services to include preparation of drawings and specifications,…
Reinstatement Valuations
Reinstatement Valuations are carried out to ensure buildings are adequately insured in the event of damage or loss by fire.…
Pre Development Condition Surveys
When a client intends to develop a site or to carry out extensive refurbishment and demolition works, the current condition…
Planning and Fire Safety Certificates
As property requirements change, buildings often need to be adapted, altered or extended. In some cases these changes will require…
Development Monitoring
When a client is purchasing an interest in a development being undertaken by a third party, specialist Project Monitoring and…
Building Defect Anaylsis
The wide range of materials used in the construction of buildings and their varying life spans can lead to the…
In every landlord and tenant relationship the requirement to repair and maintain the building can become an issue at some…
Pre Acquisition Survey
A Pre Acquisition Survey is usually commissioned prior to the purchase of the freehold interest of a building. We have…